Getting to the root of the problem and exposing those responsible is very tricky. Even those who have provided very important documentation and have worked to expose those responsible come to the table with their own bias. Aaron Golub, made the comment in my previous post, "We're fighting a war, not trying to win an argument. Our enemies are well placed and well organized. This makes kicking their ass even more rewarding!" Aaron provided me with his amazon book review profile. At the top was a thoughtful review of "Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists" by Colin A. Ross. Aaron was disappointed because Dr. Ross failed to recognize the connection between his topic, the atrocities committed by psychiatrists working under contract for the MKULTRA project, and ritual abuse. I might add, that Dr. Ross continues to believe in the CIA as a valuable heroic organization. I had to acknowledge when reading Aarons review that I was confused by Dr. Rosses attitude as well. He blames the psychiatrists, but not the CIA? There is sort of a disconnect there. It is one of the most important books to understanding what happened, and is happening, and so my bias was an overzealous 5 stars when I reviewed the book. Connecting the dots is not easy. Everyone comes to the table with their perspective. Survivors are not privy to the big picture themselves. They have intentionally been denied the big picture, and researchers tend to focus on what they know, their specialty. What is important is that the pieces of the puzzle are provided from many sources, and eventually the big picture begins to emerge. Ritual Abuse, MKULTRA, Mind Control, Nazi war criminals, quasi-Masonic organizations, New World Order conspiracies, the Illuminati, Assassination conspiracies... eventually it all comes together.
In the reviews of books regarding RA, survivors who post reviews are attacked and threatened. I was. I stated in a post that I was doing research on the topic and shared what I found. A commenter said, "You shouldn't be researching this topic. It could be dangerous." I wrote out a reply and came back in to post it, but the comment had been deleted. Had I reported him for harassment I suspect it wouldn't have been the first time. I found that this happens quite often. They don't want to lose their account too quickly for harassment. So they post, then delete. I have been told to my face that there would be people paid to harass and discredit me if I publish my book. They say this topic is controversial. I say it does a great job of separating the wheat from the chaff. Those first learning about RA would initially not believe me if I were to say, "While you were living in blissful oblivion survivors have been struggling to find support, and then when they do these support groups are intentionally sought out by sociopaths paid to harass and discredit them. Pick your side, and jump in. There has been a war going on while you were sleeping." It's not that these sociopaths are not well researched themselves on the topic. If you are able to offer them supporting evidence they clearly already know of it. They know of it so well in fact that their next strategy will be to attack that case with flawed logic. This happens in all the social media (Facebook, Twitter...).
I have also experienced those spending 16 hours a day to harass survivors changing their sock puppet to mine (pretending to be me) so that it would appear that I was as ignorant as they are. This should be considered when online exposures are made: Definition of sociopath = One who follows RA survivor groups around and "likes" to get points for :('s. To make an exposure you will need to be quick. Get a screen shot before they delete it. The Satanist Count Grishnackh acknowledges that the army of God is more powerful. He says. "I hide in the shadows and shoot poisonous darts in his back." Evil hates to be exposed. When asked how he felt about fundamentalist Christians Grishnackh said, "That's the only Christianity I respect." (Baddeley, G. (1999, 2006, 2010). Lucifer Rising: sin, devil worship & rock 'n' roll, London: Plexus Books, p.207.) As I was saying, in my book I discuss the propaganda surrounding the politically powerful and the World’s wealthiest people. There is a demonizing agenda to dethrone them, and replace their empty thrones of power with the criminal influence of the underground Illuminati (Satanists). In a democracy the politically powerful are the people, and the politicians are servants of the people. If that has changed, it is the fault of the people. If that has changed, show me the evidence. I see a very real threat, but I still vote.
Now let’s talk about wealth. In my book I suggest that giving to, and caring for others as if they were family is a solution. This I suggest was behind the success of the Rothschild family. What do the World’s wealthiest do with their money? I was talking with a coworker about the World’s wealthiest and he mentioned one case he knew of in which the son of a very wealthy man came to his father for financial assistance and his father took him to the bank and had him apply for a loan, at 1.9% interest. At first glance this seems callous given that the assistance this man’s son was seeking was not a crumb next to the billions this man had rolling in. On the other hand, what is this man teaching his son, and who are these bankers so willing to loan money at 1.9% interest? I have family who would charge more interest than 1.9% for a personal loan. “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.” –Chinese Proverb Is it possible that there are people with billions who are the reason everyone is not enslaved as indentured servants? The Rothschild family began as money changers. What this means is, they loaned money, at interest. They were bankers. There is no question that there is a degree of power in having the ability to loan money. Before we demonize those who hold this power, we might ask ourselves what the world would be like if there was no one who would loan us money, and we might ask ourselves honestly if we really hate those who will. A world without debt would be a beautiful thing. If we can do it, we should, but calling money changers Satanists, may invite Satanists into power that have no intention of loaning money, they would just as soon steal the gold from your teeth. What would you be willing to do for wealth? Would you rob a few banks, and justify it with the flawed thought that you are stealing from the wealthy? Would you sell drugs, and rationalize your actions with the thought that those who are addicted to the trash are idiots and deserve the consequences of their stupidity? Would you run a scam operation and justify your actions, where there is no justification? Is the means of obtaining wealth a factor in whether wealth is satisfying? If wealth is a consequence of fulfilling a dream, is it more fulfilling than if it is handed to you with a lottery ticket? If wealth is achieved because a hard working artisan has managed to find a way to share his art with the world the world is a better place. If the wealth from a lottery ticket affords the opportunity to reach a worthy goal that seemed unreachable before, then the world is a better place. If the wealth handed over in a lottery ticket is wasted in a year on wine, expensive parties and drugs is the world a better place, for anyone? What would you do with your billions if you woke to find yourself among the World’s wealthiest? There are of course thoughts of sipping margaritas on the crystal clear beach of your personal island, world travel and golfing on the most beautiful golf courses. There is more left over after the golf courses, margaritas and snorkeling than the World’s wealthiest could use in a lifetime. Would you loan money to those who need it? Understand that if you give to everyone in need, there is no question it will be gone before the day is out, and there will still be those in need. You should have bought a few margaritas and thrown a few expensive parties before it was gone. What are the wealthy doing with their money? Are they really plotting ways to create human misery and enslave the human race, or do they enjoy the music and craftsmanship produced by the rare talents that arise in a free and happy populous? Have you thought about answering the question at the end of your life, “What have I done with my life?” Do you really believe this question has never been considered by a wealthy man? Keeping power out of the hands of criminals is what I hope I can say I did with my life with my very last breath, but assuming everyone who has the power to loan money is a Satanist, will not keep the Satanists from usurping power, it may help them. If human misery were truly the secret plot of the wealthy, I suspect they would have achieved it by now. Be careful who you hate, and watch closely those who suggest you do. Wealth is not a crime. It is a responsibility. I edited, or rather deleted, this post on 3/29/14. Yes, I have a stalker who knows a great deal about how to program people. He threatened and tried to trigger me. Read all about it when the stalking injunction is decided. I'm wondering what type of media is allowed. Can I record the court proceedings? His attorney cannot meet until June 11th, and that is just for a pretrial. That's alright, the paperwork trail has already been laid and I will have my concealed carriers permit in a few days. There's nothing wrong with having time to prepare, although I do wish I could afford an attorney myself.
AuthorMikhayla Gracey Archives
June 2018